Live your day. Fully.

Xmas , Weddings , Graduations , New-Year's Eves , Birthdays , Conferences , Trade Fairs , Festivals , Fashion Shows , Professional events , AND ANY OTHER TYPE OF EVENT

Let Your Guests Post Their Pictures And Videos During Your Event.

Display them LIVE !

Gather, store and display the photos and videos taken by your guests
For everyone to see during your event... and after !

Never miss a single smile or special moment!

View , Share , Download , Display LIVE

Let Your Guests make Your Event Memorable

The Best Way To Collect And Display Photos & Videos From Your Guests.

How It Works

Your Guests Scan The QR Code They See at Their table.

Your App Opens On Their Smartphone.

Your Guests Post Their Pictures or Videos On Your App.

You Select The Photos You Want And Display Them On The Screen. Live.

Click here to open demo app


Check here the demo:

– Live SlideShow

– Gallery


Just a QR Code. That's all.


One scan - no download


One app, hundreds of photos.

Over 90% of recent phones have a QR code reader as a standard feature

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Copyright ©  2023

Zenn Photos
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